In WordPress, there are a lot of different Gallery plugins, and it is hard for a regular user to pick one of them. First of all, user has to determine the main features that he or she wants to get from the Gallery, and then, he should choose the most appropriate plugin. User can define the right plugin by comparison of rates, installing process, features, developers, and customer’s reviews.
This review will compare BestWebSoft Gallery, NextGen Gallery, Slideshow Gallery, and Grand Flagallery plugins.
Gallery Plugin by BestWebSoft has rather high rating and its developer has 29 other plugins and they also have high rates.
Download number of this plugin is high because its version updates frequently, and attains new functions. Its rating is 4.5 out of 5 stars, and it has approximately 1000 downloads per day. Users prefer this plugin for easy using and high level of support.
NextGEN Gallery Plugin has the highest upload number among other plugins. It was downloaded almost 10,000,000 times.
Its rating is 3.9 out of 5 stars. This plugin has a lot of contradictory comments, one part of users like it for functionality, and another one blaming it for different errors, which occur after the latest updates. Its author developed only this plugin.
Slideshow Gallery Plugin rating is lower than in previous cases, however, it focuses the attention on the function of slideshow, so, for this kind of plugins the rate is good.
Its download number increased during the last month because of the new uploads, which expanded functionalities of the plugin. Its rating is 4 out of 5 stars. Author of this plugin created 6 other plugins with high ratings. Users choose this plugin because it 100% customizable, quick support service, and its user-friendly.
Grand FlaGallery Plugin also has a high rate and almost a million of downloads. Its rating 4.3 out of 5 stars.
This plugin, also can be used for creation of video and mp3 galleries, and it is convenient to use via different gadgets.
The Gallery Plugin by BestWebSoft has a lot of different features, which are rather useful. First of all, it is necessary to point that this plugin has user-friendly interface that makes the work more simple for a user. This plugin allows to create as many galleries as user wants on his/her website, and in every gallery it is possible to add any amount of pictures and make a description under the each picture. This plugin permits to set all images on one page or create several separate pages, so users don’t have to scroll for the end of the world. With Gallery each person can also upload HQ images, that are very popular today, and these functions help to save the size and quality of image, and to share its full version with other users. Not all plugins permit to set a featured image as an album cover but Gallery by BestWebSoft is one of those. Moreover, you can share the gallery via shortcodes and add any single gallery on your page. Gallery allows to add a caption and alt tag to each photo in the album and change the size of album cover thumbnails and photos in the album. Also it has a function of slide show and ability to show it in a full size.

Gallery editing page
BestWebSoft Gallery Plugin has regular updates and its simplicity of using, efficient functionality and nice interface attracts a lot of users, moreover its a good choice for beginners. However, not all functions are available in free version, so you have to buy pro version for more profound usage.

Gallery Page in Frontend
The developer of this function recommends to use Updater plugin, for updating all plugins and core of WordPress to the newest versions. And Gallery Plugin is translated into Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian languages.
Download Gallery:
NextGen Gallery Plugin is the most popular plugin among others, moreover, it has a lot of similar features with the BestWebSoft Plugin and of course it is multifunctional. Also it has beautiful, minimalist, and simple interface. Like the first plugin, it can upload a lot of images into the gallery and it can create as many galleries as possible, also here it is also possible to add description to each album, add gallery to the page, and share it through the shortcodes. And of course, it can create a slide show.

NextGen Gallery View
Unlike other plugins, this one can import meta data, and it has good edit tool for images. Moreover, you can easily upload a great number of pictures not only via a standard WordPress-style uploader, like other plugins, but upload them via zip file or FTP. With NextGEN Gallery it is possible to add watermarks to batches or galleries of images. And unlike previous gallery it has more wide range of functions for thumbnail galleries.

NextGen Gallery Other Options Page
Unfortunately,over the last few months this plugin had a lot of errors. However the part of them has been solved. Also, you have to buy the Pro Version of the plugin to use all features like new gallery displays, email support, and video galleries.
Download NextGen Gallery:
Slideshow Gallery Plugin is based on JavaScript, so it is rapid. Moreover, it helps to prevent conflict with 3rd party themes and plugins. The main feature of this plugin is the slideshow function, so, unlike other plugins, this one will be useful for people that will show different slides to the public, for example, for lectures. With this plugin you can easily display big number of galleries throughout your WordPress site showing your custom added slides, slide galleries or displaying slides from WordPress posts or pages. The slideshow is flexible, and all its aspects can easily be configured and inserting the slideshow gallery is a piece of cake. This plugin, uses shortcodes and hardcodes as other ones.

Slideshow Gallery View
However, unlike other plugins, this one has limited functions, so it would be good to download it with other gallery plugins. Moreover, Slideshow Gallery is 100% customizable, so, there is no need to buy premium version. It can set speeds, intervals and dimensions of items, and also it can modify colors and other factors related to the exterior and style of your slideshows.

Slideshow Gallery View
Download Slideshow Gallery:
Grand Flagallery Photo Gallery Plugin is the best choice if you are going to use WordPress on the mobile phone or tablet. Like other plugins, it has all main functions, which are general, for example, creating a lot of galleries, upload infinity number of images, cutting them into several pages, and describing images.

Grand Flagallery Photo Gallery Slider
This plugin has iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry and Desktop friendly photo gallery, and SEO optimized. Also it can create galleries for photo gallery, video player, mp3 player, nivo slider, banner rotator, or nice slideshow widgets. One more hallmark, is the option of background music in gallery for desktop browsers.
The only essential disadvantage is Flash because not all devices are going with it, and also it does not use ftp format.
Download Grand Flagallery – Photo Gallery Plugin:
In conclusion, it is necessary to highlight, that in general, all galleries are good, however, they have a little bit different functions, so, users should choose the most appropriate one by themselves.
Plugins made by BestWebSoft and NextGEN are rather similar and they share the same audience. If to examine user’s comments you’ll see that NextGEN plugin has more errors and complications. Also, users write that BestWebSoft has good and quick support team. Slideshow Gallery Plugin is a good variant for users, who need expanded features for slideshow function, and this plugin is the best among similar. And the Grand Flagallery plugin will be useful and convenient for people who prefer to work from their mobile phones and tablets, this is the only plugin that has so good compatibility with them.
Select the plugin and enjoy your blog! Have fun!