Categories Web Development
The main outline for the project specification was in the following: Create a data entry portal, that is highly customizable, for collecting various types of data. There will be a management console where one of our administrators can confirm updates, and a data entry employee console where the data entry professional will receive feed back on speed, accuracy, and hours worked. The following was completed in terms of this specification: Design is developed, data entry console is created, where data entry professionals input static data about credit cards. Also management console is created where admin can confirm or decline data that were typed in (management_console.jpg). Management console is logically divided into three parts: Conflicting IDs, Non-conflicting IDs and Non-changed IDs. Also users management system is developed where it is possible to add users, delete or review information about them (users.jpg). Besides that a possibility to add and delete pts from questionnaire is adjusted (questionnaire.jpg) Things left to do in order to finish the project: - employee console where the data entry professional will receive feed back on speed, accuracy, and hours worked. This was not completed because the client decided to cancel it.

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